Fascia Release is a new method of healing the connective tissue that is constricting muscles and joints. Fascia Release stretches just the fascia around muscles, not the muscles themselves. It is safer and different than stretching muscles because the muscles are never taken to their end range of motion.
Fascia Release uses resistance stretching, a form of eccentric contraction in which a muscle lengthens while under load. It can help with flexibility, strength, aerobic capaity, muscle growth, collagen synthesis and neural adaptation.
In each activation:
you shorten/activate a muscle and apply an Opposing Force (of a hand/body position etc.) just to the beginning of the shortened area you're working on.
you then will feel any connective tissue adhesions around the shortened muscle release like a crinkle ironing out.
you never go to the end range of a stretch as in traditional stretching or yoga.
you never go into an area of pain; either stop before it hurts or don't do it at all.
you melt old scar tissue and recreate your body in alignment with the fascial and chi meridians.
your muscles strengthen at the same time as fascia releases.
your body becomes more ‘sculpted’ as you become stronger, more energized and free!
you begin to feel an intrinsic Somatic WAve™ of energy uplifting you as you release.
“I can't tell you how inspired I am by what you gave us yesterday. I learned so much!” ~ W.N.
“Wow! I can feel my left arm again!” ~ H.G.
Private instruction @$70/hour