Terms & Policies



To reserve for a Workshop, Personal Retreat, or Group Retreat please send a 50% deposit:

- by interac email money transfer to Payment@Innermoves.com

- a cheque made out to Dhyana Bartkow, at 625 Glen Rd., Gibsons, BC Canada, V0N1V9


If a minimum of 2 weeks cancellation notice is given for a Workshop or Personal Retreat, your deposit will be returned minus a 10% administration fee.

If a minimum of 2 weeks cancellation notice is given for a Group Retreat, your deposit will be returned, minus a 10% administration fee, if your spot can be filled.

CHECK-IN & check-out:

Check-in for Personal Retreats is after 2pm. Please notify me of your exact time of arrival.

Check-out time is noon.


If you are coming for a Personal Retreat or Group Retreat, please notify me if you have any medical concerns or dietary restrictions.